When body temperature is high red, appears when low in blue
Display span・・・Period of 150 days will be displayed next to scroll at a time, but you can further display the period before and after you press the triangle button of the scroll end.
Display switching to body weight, body fat percentage・・・The body weight, body fat percentage management function to ON, the "basal body temperature" by tapping the top right corner of the thermometer icon → value of "weight" → "body fat percentage" is displayed in the graph. Also If you ON the "Show all chart" graph of body temperature, weight, body fat percentage will be displayed at the same time.
Display range・・・You can specify the "body temperature range" "weight range" range upper limit and a lower limit value in the "body fat percentage range" of the setting-information screen.
Display holizontally・・・It becomes horizontal display and press the "rotate the graph" from the top left of the action button.
Print and mail・・・When you press the upper left corner of the action button to display the menu of "mail" "print". If you run each menu you can specify the display range of the graph.